Want a Meaningful Life? Check In With Your Values Regularly

You’ve done it – you’ve figured out what you value in life, you’ve culled your spending, and made a savings plan. You are well on your way to having your money bring real meaning to your life. Now what?

Obviously, first let’s celebrate all the amazing work you just put in! Congratulations!

Next, it’s important to know that the work doesn’t stop here. Let’s talk a little about why it’s important to check in with your values on a regular basis.

What You Value Changes Over Time

I’m going to venture a guess that you’re probably not the same person you were 15, 10, or even 5 years ago. Life is full of change, and our priorities shift with it. Although you’ve just done all this good work to set up a financial plan for yourself, don’t expect it to remain static. Give yourself room to change by resolving to check in with your values and update your money system regularly. This could be every 6 months, 3 months, or every year – find a frequency that works for you!

As Your Resources Change, So Might Your Desires

As we deepen our financial learning and grow our wealth, we may find that what we want, changes. Let me share a quote from my mentor Karen McCall that illustrates this point perfectly:

As people continue working through the Financial Recovery process, identifying areas of deprivation and discerning needs from wants, an amazing and intriguing thing begins to happen. They start to access deep desires that they may never have spoken about before or even known existed. Soon they discover buried dreams of buying a home, taking piano lessons, or learning about photography. Some talk of their fantasy of taking a sabbatical or learning about their family’s roots by visiting the homeland of their grandparents. People begin wondering aloud about their dreams of starting a philanthropic foundation or taking time away from work to volunteer for causes they hold dear.

I love this quote because it illustrates how the process of growing your financial literacy can unfold. Once you start to really become aware of the possibilities, you may find that you no longer want to deprive yourself of certain things you didn’t even know you wanted! The key here is intentionality. Checking in with your values on a regular basis, in an intentional way, gives you space for these changes to unfold and get incorporated into your spending and savings plans.

Stay Open to New Delights

Let me share a personal example with you for some encouragement. These days, I am relishing taking really good care of myself. I get facials from Me Time with Francoise, massages, chiropractic, and recently participated in Stasia’s Savasuk’s style school. I feel blessed to have the freedom to support other business owners while also taking great care of myself.

In the past, these things might not have seemed relevant or important to me. As I’ve continued to check in with myself about what’s important to my life, these values have evolved! 

If you liked this article, I have a free e-Book for you! I’m sure you will enjoy 9 Secrets to Financial Self Care. Click to get your free copy!

The Key to Doing Money Well? It’s Your Values

It’s the New Year, and goals are on everyone’s mind. You might be thinking about a few potential financial goals. Perhaps you want to save more, pay down some debt, or spend less. All of these are honorable pursuits, but we need to make sure your goals get started off on the right foot. How do we do that? By getting clear on what you value in life.

Your values hold the key to setting meaningful financial goals and designing relevant money systems. In this blog post, I go over a couple different strategies for uncovering them.

Finding Enough

What exactly does “enough” mean in a financial context? Here’s the way I like to define it: it’s that point where you’re not over-spending, over-saving, or over-working. I love this quote from Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez, the authors of Your Money or Your Life:

“Enough for our survival. Enough comforts. And even enough little “luxuries.” We have everything we need; there’s nothing extra to weigh us down, distract or distress us, nothing we’ve bought on time, have never used and are slaving to pay off. Enough is a fearless place. A trusting place. An honest and self-observant place. It’s appreciating and fully enjoying what money brings into your life and yet never purchasing anything that isn’t needed or wanted.”

Finding this point relies on adopting a mindset of sufficiency, as Lynne Twist write about in The Soul of Money. It means you need to assess what your needs and wants are, and identify those comforts and little luxuries.

Needs Vs. Wants

I’ve written about needs vs. wants before in terms of how defining both can be helpful for spending. You can read that article here. In this post, I want to share an exercise straight from Karen McCall, my mentor and author of Financial Recovery.

Karen advises to make a needs and wants list, by simply dividing a piece of paper in half and beginning to sort things onto either side of the page. “Let yourself envision items or experiences that seem to be missing from your life. These can be small things like new walking shoes or bigger experiences like sharing a trip to Hawaii with a friend or loved one.” She counsels that we don’t need to get too hung up on categorizing things perfectly, but should instead plan on coming back to the list to reflect and revise. Doing this process repeatedly brings a new level of clarity to our values and how we want to allocate our resources.

Leaving Room to Dream

In her wonderful book, 55, Underemployed, and Faking Normal, Elizabeth White asks us to consider what it would be like to “live a life not defined by things.” She suggests focusing on meeting our needs and wants creatively and inexpensively, an approach also suggested by Karen McCall. Within this framework, there is freedom to dream about what you want in your life and how to get it. Karen McCall talks about a similar phenomenon when she writes,

“As you develop an ability to meet your most essential needs, the noise and distraction created by a troubled relationship with money are quieted. Without the deafening noise of worry, obsession, fear, and deprivation, you’re able to hear and value that quiet voice inside that utters your deepest desires.”

As you find ways to bring the things you value most into your life, you may start to uncover more about yourself and your wishes. This is perfectly ok and I recommend leaving space for yourself to keep dreaming as you get in touch with your values.

I also love doing this work with clients! If you’d like to work with a guide through this process, schedule a free Financial Self Care Consultation to see if financial coaching is right for you.



Photo by Eye for Ebony

Why Your Business’s Financials Might Not Be As Bad As You Think

Your numbers might not be as bad as you think. Many solopreneurs tend to avoid their numbers out of a feeling that if they really look at them, they’ll find financial troubles. While excusing yourself from looking at your numbers might put the problem on hold in the short term, that low-level stress and uncertainty doesn’t go away. In fact, it piles up into a sense of dread. I’m here to tell you that dread is needless. Here’s why:

No More Perpetual Vague-ness

Currently, I’m reading a book by Karen McCall called Financial Recovery. One of my favorite quotes so far is how she talks about the way people treat their finances, when she says “most people live in a state of perpetual vagueness.” Getting familiar with your numbers can actually be a comfort, because it can lift you out of this state of perpetual guesswork! Many people find that when they actually take the time to really assess where they’re at financially, it’s better than their previous emotional perception. So that’s why I say your numbers are better than you think – it’s likely true!

Take the Plunge: Look at Your Numbers

There are a number of ways to take this plunge. First, you can look through everything yourself. Especially if your books are not that complicated, or you have a rough system going already, taking a look on your own is a good idea. You can also get a good picture of whether you’re able to hire or consult with a bookkeeper. A good bookkeeper will be able to deliver a lot of important financial insights. This will certainly help you get out of that vague place. Even if your financials are indicating some unfortunate things, a good bookkeeper can soften this blow by helping you come up with strategies to surmount any difficulties.

If you were waiting for that extra push to really look at your business’s financial situation, here it is. And if you’d like to seek some assistance, with bookkeeping or profit strategy, feel free to book a curiosity call with me to see if that’s right for you!



Image by bruce mars 

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